Sunday 2 November 2008

My momma voted...have you?

Or are you waiting until Tuesday? I hear there's been massive turn outs for early election this year. Everyone wants in on the action. This is a good thing. Unless people are turning out to vote for the old guy because the thought of an African American in the White House scares them, in which case y'all should just stay home. 

We can't continue down this road anymore. We've been on it for 8 years! Where's the GPS? Someone find the exit!! 

There can not be people in the US who honestly believe Dub-ya did a good job. Of course there are people in the US who honestly believe an African American in the White House would be a scary thing...and I call those people ignorant. We need change! Desperately. John McCain (and a whole lot of other republicans) like to think the US is the biggest, baddest country out there. Guess what, McPAIN, we're not! It's a great big world we live in and your arrogance has not gone unnoticed. It's far less likely other countries will be bombing the US because of Barack's skin color and more likely they'll be doing it because of some stupid thing that came out of your mouth. Or out of the mouth of your joke of a vice president. 

For the record, I voted. I received my absentee ballot and mailed it off more than a week ago. Most people I know have already exercised their right to vote...even my grandparents...and they're in their 80's! If you haven't...GO! Tuesdays the day. Go early. Show the rest of the world we aren't a nation of slackers who will vote for a guy because he looks like he'd be fun to have a beer with. Or vote for another guy because he chose Caribou Barbie as a vice president. 

**This rant brought to you by the right to speak my mind because I voted**

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