The other thing I've noticed is this...They LOVE Obama. At first I wasn't sure if it was his good looks, his Kennedy-esque charisma, or that they actually believed he was the right man for the job. So I started talking to people. The girls I live with, people in my classes. A good percentage of them (the women mostly) think he's a very handsome guy. Most people agree he comes across as quite charming. Everyone thinks he is the right man for the job.
I have to be honest, I was quite shocked to find out non-Americans know so much about our election. Actually, they tend to know a lot more about America than I do about the many countries they're all from. (There is a bit of shame in that, yes.) Here's the thing...after the last election I think most of them were sitting at home saying, "Damn Americans voted for that guy AGAIN? Good luck with that. Y'all* deserve what y'all* get."
(*The use of the word "y'all" is the authors interpretation and does not reflect the dialect of anyone except people from southern states. Y'all know who y'all are.)
Needless to say, they're all as eager as we are to see how this election turns out. And by the billboards I've come across in the tube stations it's pretty obvious how the rest of the world thinks it should go. (And by "world" I mean Britain...And by "Britain" I mean London-and its surrounding areas).

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