Oh alright...there have been a couple of occasions in Texas when it got quite cold and there was a very (VERY) small amount of a white, somewhat fluffy substance on the ground. At the time everyone was saying, "Look! It's snowing!" (We're Texans...what do we know.) Truthfully, if you gathered everything up that had fallen on the ground in Houston, BOTH TIMES, you could have put it in a big gulp cup added some syrup and had a tasty treat.

Tonight was different. Both Helen and Mary Anne assured me that it was nothing compared to what it can get like but it was still very cool to see. Mary Anne, Helen, Emmy, and Claire all went down to walk around in it.
So, what's my take on seeing snow (real, live, fluffy, enough to make a couple hundred sno cones snow)? Frankly, it's cold. BUT...it sure does make everything a little bit prettier. 

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