I know I've mentioned before my friends, Neil & Justin...who live in Luton...and do a film festival every year called Filmstock...and are just all-around great guys. I've known them for almost 3 years and have never had the good fortune to be in the UK during Filmstock. Until now.
Filmstock kicked off one week ago. We were there for opening night and stayed through the weekend. This is by far the best film festival I have ever been to. Okay, so it's the only film festival I've ever been to...and they are my friends but, ignore all of that. This is not a massive event when compared to Sundance or Cannes but I dare you to find a festival that has as much heart as this one. It started 9 years ago with two guys who shared a love for film and that's still true today. You won't find any flash or celebrities walking red carpets. You walk in the door and you're greeted by a smiling face, sometimes 2, one of which is usually Neil. When you go in to watch a film Justin is the one running the projector. They haven't given the reigns to anyone...it's still theirs as much as it ever was and always will be.
Opening night was a film called Choke starring Sam Rockwell and Anjelica Huston. VERY good. (I'm not telling you about it...Go see it!!) The remainder of the weekend was devoted to shorts. Filmstock is a "hardcore" festival as one of the directors put it. From Friday night to Sunday night there are 12 different sessions, each one showing 9 or 10 short films. In addition they screen a few features. After a weekend of this you'll be thinking 3 things...1-My ass hurts! 2-Can I watch a couple of those again? 3-How the hell did Neil & Justin narrow down thousands of submissions? (I couldn't have done that). Yes, in that order.
I could go through and list all the shorts that I watched and loved and what they were about but you'd be here for another 20 minutes (if you are in fact still here). So I'll just mention a few of my favourites.
Blood Actually*The Tourist*Angel*Nightwalking*Thirteen or so Minutes*Mr. Lux*Canbury*Arcadia*Whatever Turns You On*Albert*Out of the Holes of the Rocks*Hikikomori*Cheeese
As much as I enjoyed the films, the best part of the festival had to be meeting so many great people..and creative people at that! I really felt in my element. I met people who were not filmmakers but were so much fun to hang out with (Jo and Sarah!) and I met filmmakers who were just fantastic to talk with (Alex, Declan, Jeremy, Branden, Jonathan, and Adam).
I really wish I could have stayed all week (it doesn't end until Sunday) but I had classes to go to. At any rate...SO MUCH FUN!! I really enjoyed it..."9 times" (and then some).